State SRF Policy Options

The Environmental Policy Innovation Center is developing a series of briefs on policy options that State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs could adopt to better advance equity and resilience goals.

The policy options relate to a variety of important issues, from reforming state definitions of disadvantaged communities so that additional subsidies are targeted to the communities that need them most, to effectively informing and soliciting stakeholders' feedback on draft intended use plans (IUPs). 

These policy options will be useful to state SRF advocates, state and federal policymakers, nonprofits, and other stakeholders.

  1. How can we advance equitable workforce development through the SRF program?

  2. How much federal capitalization grants should be set aside for administration, technical assistance, state program administration, and local capacity development? How should these set-aside funds be used?

  3. How should states define ”disadvantaged communities”? What other policies determine how principal forgiveness is allocated? 

  4. How should  SRF projects be prioritized for the distribution of funds? To be considered ready to finalize an SRF award and receive the funds, what conditions must an applicant meet?

  5. How should SRF agencies inform stakeholders about the policies in the IUP and solicit feedback?
